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Canada's got a "Candu" attitude
A nuclear renaissance is overtaking Canada as
the need for energy surpasses the nation's ability to keep up with the demand. The new ACR-1000 reactor being developed by Atomic Energy Canada Limited may be part of the solution as a bigger, better, and "cleaner" energy source.

Chipping away
at lab costs

New biosensor to
detect bioterrorism
Eyes on Africa

New research to
get the mould out

Spiral stent
is a mini marvel

Teeth get a titanium grip

New weapons in the fight
against avian flu

With influenza considered the world's greatest pandemic threat, scientist across Canada and the
United States are launching a multi-pronged attack
on the virus in search of effective vaccines and treatments. McGill and Harvard universities are
at the vanguard of the battle.

Antioxidants and
our aging eyes

How can you mend
a broken heart?

Pro or Con?

The mistaken invaders

Deep brain stimulation's
path to memory

Locusts may provide
insight into migraines


Civilized sea rocket siblings
The Great Lakes sea rocket could be the new
poster child for how to get along with siblings. Recent studies show that this plant has a surprising ability, which it uses to help its family thrive.

Hungry bacteria chomp
their way to clean energy

Ironing out the
CO2 problem

Dishing up science
to analyze diets

Bugging crickets may solve major biology mystery

© Carleton University School of Journalism and Communication