About Us

Adam graduated from the University of Guelph in 2023 with a Bachelor of Arts in English (Honours). His undergraduate studies taught him to love writing and to appreciate the stories that people can tell.

Born and raised in Beijing, Boning possesses a BA Degree from the Renmin University of China in Literature with a specialization in Classics. She later completed her master’s degree at the University of Warwick, where she wrote her master’s thesis about the rising ethnonationalism sentiment in China.

(They/Them). Kwe’ Ni’n Teluisi Ely! I was born and raised on the east coast of Ktaqmkuk. I’m passionate about disability justice, anti-racism and decolonizing the media. I graduated with a BA Hons. in English Literature and love scifi fantasy fiction. I hope to one day publish a creative nonfiction piece and aim to include a storytelling perspective in my work. 

Ijeoma is a Nigerian journalist who has used her stories to advocate for the reproductive health and rights of women and girls in her country. She is currently enrolled in a Master of Journalism program at Carleton University. Ijeoma recently completed a 3-month fellowship with the West Africa Institute of Public Health. She loves listening to inspirational music. 

Julia graduated from Queen’s University in 2022 with a Bachelor of Science having majored in Psychology. However, in her third year, she started working for her student paper as a staff writer and then an editor which is where she found her passion for journalism. Since graduating, she’s been working as a freelance journalist/writer and has bylines in Posmedia Content Works among others.

Justin recently earned his Master’s Degree in International Affairs from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University, specializing in conflict analysis and conflict resolution. Born and raised in Sault Ste. Marie, Canada, he earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Algoma University and completed a thesis project on the theoretical conceptualization of human security.

After completing her Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in Media, Information, and Technoculture at Western University in 2023, Lily is excited to begin her academic journey at Carleton in the Master of Journalism program. Along with her background in French, Lily’s passion for politics drew her to the nation’s capital.

Nadia is an aspiring journalist looking to put empathy at the forefront of her work. After graduating from the University of Waterloo’s International Development program with a Bachelors of Environmental Science, she is interested in dissecting complex world issues and getting people more involved with global politics.

Originally from Drummondville, Quebec, Sarah is pursuing journalism at Carleton after graduating with a B.A. Honours in International Development Studies from McGill University in 2023. Through her studies, Sarah has become particularly interested in the weight of narratives in reporting and the responsibility of ethical, critical journalism owed to vulnerable communities and individuals.

Semih Kaya preferred to study in the field of journalism to transform his deepest interest in learning and researching into a profession. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Journalism in 2013 and 2018 at Akdeniz University in Turkey. While pursuing journalism studies, he gained experience by doing an internship in the newsroom and worked as a reporter, editor, and consultant in various media corporations.

Hailing from a rural town just outside of Kingston Ontario, Sydney received her Honours Bachelors of Arts degree in Information and Media Studies from Western University in 2022. Throughout her undergraduate degree she honed in on her love for journalism, and took several elective courses to facilitate and learn more about journalistic styles of writing, specifically finding interest in opinion pieces.

In 2023, Tamara earned an Honours Bachelor’s degree in Global and International Studies with a specialization in Communications and Media from Carleton University. Her passion for journalism began when she moved to Central Asia at a young age. It was there that she began to understand how important journalism was in sharing people’s stories and connecting communities.