Carleton University launched its prestigious Bachelor of Journalism Degree in 1945 and introduced a Master of Journalism Degree in 1974. Recognizing the importance of combining theory and practice, the School of Journalism and Communication designed and implemented an Apprenticeships program. This valuable addition to a student’s journalism education offers senior students the opportunity to apply, enhance and hone the skills learned in the classroom. Contributing to the development of tomorrow’s workforce are our distinguished employer partners. For our students entering the work world each year, pre-graduation placements provide greater insight into available career paths and assist in the development of a more comprehensive portfolio and broader professional relationships. Our combined approach elicits educated and trained employees who go on to successful solid careers. 

Students who have obtained third or fourth-year standing in the Bachelor of Journalism Program (BJ3, BJ4) or those enrolled in the Master of Journalism Program (MJ1, MJ2) 10-credit program may utilize the Apprenticeships Program to participate in placements and meet mandatory apprenticeship/internship requirements. Advanced standing Master of Journalism Students might also be eligible. 

Participation in any apprenticeship/internship placement must comply with employment standards legislation in the province offering said opportunity. It is essential for students to arrange all work in consultation with the Apprenticeships Program Supervisor to ensure conformity with labour law and officially authorized timeframes determined by the Journalism Program. The University supplies workplace safety insurance for sanctioned placements meeting all conditions.

Info for BJ Students    Info for MJ Students    Info for Employers