Acknowledgements and bibliography

This project would not have been possible without the help of a few exceptional people:
To my supervisor, Chris Waddell, who spent many late nights reviewing my work in it’s very early stages and not giving up. Chris, this project would not have been possible without your dedication and witty feedback that made me smile and pushed me to dig deeper into the story.
To Kathryn O’Hara, who provided insightful feedback on my original proposal and reminded me of the importance of learning from our history, particularly in examining the concept of harm reduction; and to Roger Martin for sitting beside me, working through the technical glitches and adding your touch to make my vision for this project a reality—thank you!
To all sources involved in this project; particularly Michael, Adey and Hasnain who let me in to your personal lives.
Christine Czoli and Caroline Franck for transforming the technological jargon into plain English—thank you!
A special thanks to the team at 180Smoke who remained professional and allowed me to film in their shop, despite the controversial nature of this topic.
With the ever evolving research and regulation on e-cigarettes, interviewing was no easy feat. Thanks to all who kept up to date with the most recent studies.
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