Here is Assignment Editor Maureen McEwan’s preview of our news team’s top stories today:

Our newsroom is hard at work this morning, bringing you Ottawa’s latest news.
Daily News
Shauna McGinn is speaking with the Ottawa Police about gender-equality and Wear Purple Day, a campaign that raises awareness about violence against women. McGinn has also been interviewing Lucia Lorenzi, today’s winner of a Governor General’s Award on gender equality.
Andrew Savory is covering a meeting of the parliamentary committee looking at media and local communities. There are big media names slated to give testimony: Phillip Crawley, CEO of the Globe and Mail; Michael Gruzuk, director of Vice News and Special Programming; Brian Lilley, co-founder of Rebel Media.
Ruth Tecle is on the Hill reporting on the Liberal government’s repeal of an anal sex ban – Section 159 of the Criminal Code. The Canadian LGBT community has repeatedly called for the repeal of a ban they regard as prejudicial and unconstitutional.
News Features
Nate Dove witnessed a suicide attempt this weekend while investigating homelessness in Ottawa. While Dove was profiling a care worker, a mentally-ill man attempted to jump off a bridge in Centretown.
Rachel Levy-McLaughlin has been speaking with members of Ottawa’s Muslim community to see what impact the election of Donald Trump has had on their lives.
In the wake of Trump’s election, Marina Wang reports on Maple Match – a new dating service connecting Americans with Canadians. Traffic on the website tripled after the election. Marina profiles current users in Ottawa to learn more about the trend.
Stay tuned for the stories and updates!