We are down to the final stretch of Midweek, with hosts Emilie Cowan and Gwyneth Egan.

As always, our Midweek team was prepped and ready to go at another early start.
The production team held a routine-nightly meeting the night before, like with all our previous shows, for last-minute preparation.
A checklist of the pitched stores was also created, including same-day story ideas collected from the bustling Midweek Instagram Group Chat.
By 9:00 a.m., the news lineup was finished.

As our reporters and production team members got busy, they stayed in ear shot of one another, and the newsroom collaboration remained exceptional.
There were a couple of hiccups before we went live on the air.
We ran into formatting issues with the bridge sheets (pages with information about the instrumental music played between each story), which took around 30 minutes to fix.
Due to audio concerns, an executive decision was also made to eliminate a story.
Despite these setbacks, each reporter remained calm and made the broadcast happen yet again!
The live show featured conversations about how experts are concerned about the portrayal of the Israel-Hamas conflict in Western media, including the International March for Gaza held on Parliament Hill.
The next items in the lineup featured discussions regarding the impact of the work-from-home model on a local cafe and an insider’s account of the Orleans Comic Book and Novelty Show.
There were also stories which explored how a Canadian band with a strong connection to First World War history will be performing in Ottawa on Nov. 11, as well as a new Remembrance Day initiative that is being led by the Royal Canadian Legion.
Thanks to the core of our productive, conscientious, and collaborative news crew, we had another fruitful show.
See you next week!