Should Ontario's Students Learn to Code?
Chapter 1: Rebels in the Empire
There’s no formal teaching of computer coding to students in Ontario. There are a few people trying to change that.
Chapter 4: The Costs of Coding
Does every child need to code? Is it even possible given the current education climate?
Chapter 2: B.C.'s Decision
In early 2016, Premier Christy Clark announced that computer coding would be taught in B.C. schools. It was a polarizing decision.
Chapter 5: For Whom does the Bell Toll?
What coding education will look like in the future is still up for debate, with little to no indication from the government as to how the $50 million in federal money put aside for coding will be used.
Chapter 3: Implementing Coding in B.C.
The premier likes to say that B.C. is the first North American jurisdiction to have coding in every classroom.
You’re not the only one confused by some of the terms in here.