Meet Our Team

Rukhsar Ali
Rukhsar calls Calgary home. She is interested in arts and culture reporting, broadcast journalism and multimedia.
Three words to describe Rukhsar: creative, geeky, futurist.
TW: @rukhsarxali IG: @rukhsarxali

Hafsatou Balde
Hafsatou was raised in different parts of Africa but calls New York City her second home. She is interested in arts and culture reporting and long form video and audio.
Three words to describe Hafsatou: sarcastic, independent, easy-going.
TW: @hafsatou_

Adam Beauchemin
Adam calls Winnipeg home. He has an interest in long-form writing and photo-journalism with a focus on climate and sports reporting.
Three words to describe Adam: Easy-going, mirthful, approachable.
TW: @adambeauch

William Eltherington
William grew up in Palo Alto, Calif. and calls the West Coast home. He is interested in political features, digital media and broadcasting.
Three words to describe William: attentive, persistent, genuine.
TW: @Weltherington

Lilian Fridfinnson
Lilian was born and raised in Winnipeg. She is interested in investigative reporting with a focus on social issues.
Three words to describe Lilian: critical, driven, reliable.
TW: @LiliFridfinnson

Amitava Kar
Amitava came to Ottawa from Oklahoma. He is interested in writing on issues that usually do not get our attention.
Three words to describe Amitava: original, logical, kind.
TW: @Amitava03241762

Sam Konnert
Sam was born in Calgary and calls the Rockies home. He puts people at the centre of his long-form writing and documentary photography.
Three words to describe Sam: spirited, accepting, witty.
TW: @samkonnert IG: @samkonnert

Dennis Kovtun
Dennis is from Winnipeg. He grew up in Australia and Ukraine. He is interested in investigative, in-depth journalism.
Three words to describe Dennis: skeptical, inquisitive, direct.
TW: @DennisKovtun

Sophie Kuijper Dickson
Sophie grew up between Pontiac, Que. and Ottawa. She is interested in long-form, human-centered systems journalism.
Three words that describe Sophie: sarcastic, empathetic, curious.
TW: @skuijperdickson

Hermona Kuluberhan
Hermona is Ottawa born and raised. She is interested in long-form journalism and podcasting.
Three words that describe Hermona: unfiltered, sincere, direct.
TW: @herms613

Mayson Maharaj
Mayson grew up in Ajax, Ont. but has been based in Ottawa for the past six years. She is interested in political, photo and long-form journalism.
Three words to describe Mayson: inquisitive, insightful, caring.
TW: @maysonmaharaj

Aly Mccabe
Aly Mccabe is originally from the small town of Mount Albert, Ont. She is interested in arts and culture journalism and multimedia.
Three words to describe Aly: ambitious, compassionate, creative.
TW: @AlyMccabe IG: @aly.mccabe

Ella Milloy
Ella Milloy is originally from Calgary. She is interested in sports journalism and multimedia.
Three words to describe Ella: passionate, friendly, enthusiastic.
TW: @milloy_ella

Jaimie Nackan
Jaimie is originally from Thornhill, Ont. She is interested in arts and culture journalism.
Three words to describe Jaimie: introspective, creative, imaginative.
TW: @jaimiesam4

Spencer Nefekh-Blanchette
Spencer is originally from Ottawa. He is interested in arts and culture journalism and multimedia.
Three words to describe Spencer: artistic, inquisitive, critical.
TW: @spencernafekh IG: @spencernafekh

Raji Sahota
Rajpreet (or Raji) is originally from Brampton, Ont. She is interested in long-form, investigative journalism with a focus on crime and conflict.
Three words to describe Rajpreet: ambitious, passionate, warmhearted.
TW: @rajpreetsahota IG: @rajpreetsahota

Andrew Stetson
Andrew is originally from Charlottetown. He is interested in political correspondence and sports journalism, with a focus in broadcasting.
Three words to describe Andrew: creative, inquisitive, contemplative.
TW: @_AStetson

Constantina Varlokostas
Constantina was born and raised in Toronto. She is interested in broadcasting and digital media, specifically producing and writing sports content.
Three words to describe Constantina: Outgoing, bubbly, creative.
TW: @constvarlo

Natalia Weichsel
Natalia is originally from Winnipeg. She is interested in long-form journalism and documentary, with a focus on digital media.
Three words to describe Natalia: adventurous, ambitious, artistic.
TW: @nataliaweichsel IG: @nataliaweichsel