The CEC and foreign students: issues, plans, opportunities, and challenges

When Brett Phillips’ study permit expires this November, his plan is to apply for a work permit specifically designed for foreign students who have graduated. The permit was created in 2008 when the federal government established the Canadian Experience Class (CEC), an immigration stream designed to entice international students to remain in Canada after graduation …

High hopes and hard work in school

The anxiety is high for those who count on leveraging their Canadian degrees to take up permanent residence in Canada after graduation. Alexandre Inkingi, 20, was one of them when I talked to him last December.  He is a second-year student in the Bachelor of Public Affairs program at Carleton University’s Arthur Kroeger College. From …

Working to become permanent residents after graduation

Former international students choose to stay longer in Canada after their studies for different reasons. Some find the country’s level of safety better than in their home countries. Others are attracted to a multicultural environment where they feel more welcome than in a lot of many other places in the world. Good quality of education …