Midweek October 4, 2023
With hosts Matt Slevin and Mingwei Qin, we’re off on another edition of Midweek. Hosts Matt Slevin and Mingwei Qin sit patiently in front of their microphones in the broadcasting booth. Similar to last week’s show, we had to get past a few minor obstacles...
Midweek September 27, 2023 — The fall season begins!
By Ijeoma Ukazu Carleton University’s current affairs show by journalism students returned to air this week. Before the commencement of the hour and 30 minute show, the production team had a meeting at 9:30 a.m. to discuss the stories that would go on air. The...
Midweek: Dry Run – September 20th, 2023
Today the Midweek newsroom opened up for the season. Students met at 10 a.m. for their meeting and then had an hour and a half to find and produce their stories. For the dry run, we included stories that students created for the last two weeks of class, as well as a...
Midweek Season Finale April 5, 2023
The final Midweek of our season, with an eye on the future: tackling food insecurity, heading back to the moon, preparing to take on the world in the pool, and … a Midweek ending that’s a beginning of sorts, too. All that and more!

Midweek March 29, 2023
This week the news came to us: a strike by teaching assistants and contract instructors at Carleton University. We also heard about the return of musical theatre, support for migrant workers, the stress on young sports stars, and the need to stand up to anti-trans hate. Plus lots more!