Ottawa’s paramedics are quickly finding out that a dog can be more than a person’s best friend. Max the therapy dog is one of the service’s newest members and is working to keep his co-workers happy and mentally healthy.
- Last November, the Ottawa Paramedic Service made Max the first paramedic therapy dog in Canada. Every day, he works to help his coworkers deal with the stresses and trauma of a paramedic’s job.
- Tracy Levesque, Max’s trainer, says he has become “part of the family,” and makes the Ottawa Paramedic Service’s headquarters a happier place to be.
Produced by Erica Giancola and Talia Di Domenico
Filmed by Peter Rukavina and Erica Giancola
Interview done by Talia Di Domenico
Edited by Talia Di Domenico, Erica Giancola and Peter Rukavina
Music courtesy of Incomptech
Special thanks to the Ottawa Paramedic Service
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