Aya Hamed has a personality that is just as colourful as her make up collection. She
performs temporary and permanent make up on clients out of a basement studio, much to the dismay of her Muslim community, which has not always approved of her artistic career choices. Watch as she explains to us why her passion outshines her critics.
- Aya Hamed enjoys making people feel beautiful through the art of makeup. Although it is quite the painful process, she makes nano-needling fun and entertaining by bonding with her clients through her humour and wit.
- One of Aya’s benefits of working from her at-home studio is having the ability to pray whenever she needs. Although her religion prohibits her career choice, she is still a practicing Muslim and explains how her challenges in life have brought her closer to God.
Produced by Joshua Soucie, Aaron Hemens, and Mona Mahmoud.
Special thanks to Aya Hamed and her clients.
Music: Jahzzar – “Comedie” (https://www.freemusicarchive.org)