
Posted By 25th Hour Staff on Oct 4, 2017 | 0 comments

It’s more than photography of nature and earthly things. It’s art that has the ability and
potential to influence and encourage the audience to think critically about their own
lives and the issues with consumerism, and our overall impacts on the environment.
Whitney Lewis-Smith is a photo-based artist. She uses an old camera, old photographic
processes requiring a dark room, and taxidermy to tell her stories and share the impacts
of globalization in a unique and visual way. In a world where pretty much everything is
instantaneous, the audience might assume her photographs are equally instantaneous.
What they don’t know is that Whitney would easily test their patience if they followed
her along on a day of shooting.


Produced, edited and filmed by Sandrine Murray, Sidney Weiss and Jasmine Sikand.

Special thanks to Whitney Lewis-Smith.

Music by Purple Planet, “Troposphere”.