A Different Kind of Winter

Posted By 25th Hour Crew on Oct 31, 2018 | 0 comments

With the looming winter, most of us bundle up for the anticipated cold. But for these international students they have only just begun adjusting to Ottawa’s cold. For Tamar, this will be her first fight against the snow, freezing rain and slippery walks. For Carrie, its the same white weather she’s seen for years. But we aren’t there yet, so what does the changing of seasons mean to them in Canada’s capital?

Producer: Shanice Pereira

Camera: Tiffany Edwards

Editor: Lui Xia Lee


Special thanks to Carrie Jiang and Tamar de Moel. Music: Bensound.com


A basement bedroom means lots of lights to set up. Shanice and Tiffany try not to get burned looking for the best spots.

After spending a few years enduring Ottawa winters, Carrie has learned a lot. Making the most of winter activities is a good way of surviving school and gloomy days.


Tamar is anticipating having to buy more layers and boots to prepare for the unknown. What does she fear? Potential black ice and too much snow.

Carrie is excited to finally bring out her skis. When the snow starts to stick she’s hitting the slopes with her friends.