Plant Powered Community

Posted By 25th Hour Crew on Nov 28, 2018 | 0 comments

Every other week, an Ottawa resident welcomes guests to an evening of cooking, socializing and community building. All the food is made fresh by the guests, from only plant-based ingredients. Jackie Bastianon started hosting the cooking nights three years ago. Since then, the evenings have adapted to fit her transition into a vegan diet. Guests learn about preparing healthy, meatless meals and new cooking skills, all in a relaxed, friendly family kitchen.

Producer: Julia Moran

Camera: Amanda Marsh

Editor: Natalie Pressman


Camera Person Amanda Marsh captures Jackie Bastianon posting on her community group’s social media.

Producer Julia Moran reports outside of Jackie Bastianon’s home where she hosts bimonthly cooking meetings.

At the community dinners, participants laugh and converse over the meal they’ve made together. Natalie Pressman captures those sounds.

It’s all hands on deck as the crew listens to Rebecca Anderson discuss why she loves Jackie’s cooking nights.